Reset password and Factory Reset Riverbed Steelhead

  1. Start, or reboot the appliance.
  2. Once you see the “Press any key to continue” message, press a key.
  3. Immediately press E.


  1. Press V or ^ to select the disk image to boot.
  2. Press E.


0: root (hd0,1)

1: kernel /vmlinuz ro root=/dev/sda5 console=tty0 console=ttyS0,9600n8

  1. Press V or ^ to select the kernel boot parameters entry.
  2. Press E to edit the kernel boot parameters.

You should be given a partially filled in line of text.

  1. Append ” single fastboot” at the end of this line. Note the space before ‘single’, it is very

important. (And do not enter the quotes.)

  1. The line of text will contain TWO “console=” entries. Delete the one containing “tty0” (unless

you are using a keyboard/monitor on the Steelhead, in which case delete the one containing


TIP: Use the arrow keys to access the entire command line.

  1. Press Enter.
  2. Press the B key to continue booting.

The system starts.

  1. Once at the command prompt, type “/sbin/” and press Enter.

The password will be blank.

  1. Type “reboot” and press Enter to reboot the appliance.

Username = admin

Password = password

To reset the unit to factory defaults do the following

> enable

#reset factory reload


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